Rikushpa Shamuni

Rikushpa Shamuni

Takishpa Shamuni

Takishpa Shamuni

29 April 2010


We are trying to find shoes and a few other special clothing items we need for the temple.  Janeen has been working one hour each day on the phone with the MTC Spanish Tutor.

The Wrights are giving us lots of attention and help.  It has be 32 degrees and snowing like crazy all day.  We had pork burritos at Café Rio, the best, fresh, customer approved Mexican food in the nation, according to the sign.

I wish they had Mexican music.


  1. Janeen, do you have warm enough clothing on? Do I sound like your MaMa? She whispered in my ear? And how do I access the music, Roy? Love you both!!! Big Sis

  2. I went to a Mexican restaurant that was playing U.S. pop music. I wish they had Mexican music. Today I sang Cieltio Lindo with the Mexican missionaries so they could remember el Cinco de Mayo. There are people here from every continent studying languages and learning procedures they need for missions of every kind all over the world. This is an exciting place.
