Rikushpa Shamuni

Rikushpa Shamuni

Takishpa Shamuni

Takishpa Shamuni

17 June 2010


Janeen has been a natural at caring for Hermano Sánchez, because she is a mother.  It was her mother instinct that made it possible to see he had a need, then to organize all the temple missionaries to get him fed, housed, and to the doctor.  Fathers also have instincts and desires for their children.  Lehi and J.F. Smith explain it well:

"But behold, my sons and my daughters, I cannot go down to my grave save I should leave a blessing upon you; for behold, I know that if ye are brought up in the way ye should go ye will not depart from it" (2 Nephi 4: 5).

"May the fathers in Israel live as they should live; treat their wives as they should treat them; make their homes as comfortable as they possibly can; lighten the burden upon their companions as much as possible; set a proper example before their children; teach them to meet with them in prayer, morning and night, and whenever they sit down to partake of food, to acknowledge the mercy of God in giving them the food that they eat and the raiment that they wear, and acknowledge the hand of God in all things.  This is our duty, and if we do not do it the Lord will be displeased, for he has said so.  He is only pleased with those who acknowledge his hand in all things" (Gospel Doctrine, p. 288) (Joseph F. Smith)

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