Rikushpa Shamuni

Rikushpa Shamuni

Takishpa Shamuni

Takishpa Shamuni

19 March 2010


I am aware that granddaughters are a great blessing.  For five days all five are here with me.  They smile, laugh, tease, and hug.  They love each other, they love their grandma and they even love their grandpa.  It is clear that their mothers have worked hard to instill in them the best qualities of humanity.  They love to read, tell stories, play games, and help around the house.  They pray and sing and enjoy life to the fullest.

Their singing voices are like angels.  They have the discipline to learn parts and perform any kind of singing or playing of any kind of instruments.  In my dreams I see the future: I become increasingly confused and disabled and old, and my granddaughters become more and more empowered and strong and able, and they care for me, like their mothers cared for them.  They are full of the Spirit of the Lord (Achill-Kausak-Samayta chaskinkichikmi) and speak with the tongues of angels (chayka angelkunapak shimi rimaypi parlay ushankichik), just as their angel grandmother prayed they would.

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