Rikushpa Shamuni

Rikushpa Shamuni

Takishpa Shamuni

Takishpa Shamuni

26 March 2010

Faith Precedes the Miracle

     A 22 year old was trying to impress his 18 year old girl friend with how fast he could drive on a narrow mountain road in Arizona. He crashed through a guard rail at 75 miles per hour, flipped end to end, and landed upright with no injury to either. The anonymous internet prophets are suggesting that the kid probably now has faith in God as a result of the miracle of his survival:

"If this guy didn't believe in a God before, do you suppose he believes now?  The greater the miracle, the more profound the faith."

 Actually, faith precedes the miracle.  People whose faith is based on miracles have a very shallow and shaky faith.  We need to help our kids and grandkids obtain an unshakable faith that only comes after obedience; and then cometh the visitation of the Spirit as a still, small voice that cannot be denied.  When faith comes after choosing to humble yourself and rely upon God, then God can reveal knowledge to you, and intervene on your behalf, and lead you to safety in a dangerous world.  "For if there be no afaith among the children of men God can do no bmiracle among them; wherefore, he showed not himself until after their faith" (Ether 12:12).  "A wicked and aadulterous generation seeketh after a bsign..." (Matthew 16:4).

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